Monday, July 24, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
results! results!
well, its decided: 2 votes to 1. im pretty hot in a vest. thank you to those two random anonymous voters whoever you may be.
up yours dolphin
the dolpin did not eat my soul. thats just ridiculous. im supposed to be putting up pictures now after orders from mr brett. but now im not. why? because, apparantly, a dolphin ate my soul.
When monkeys attack.
I’m just going to write a quick post this week as it has been so long since we last let you know how things were going. I think Garlen has given up on the web site as he is embarrassed about breaking yet another pair of sun glasses, although I have now lost my first pair, so I can’t take the mickey as much as I would like.
Anyway, in Saigon we; watched France lose to Italy, which was quite funny as we were in a bar full of French people, went to see more Viet Cong tunnels and went to a war museum where they had lots of graphic photos of blown up people and even two conjoined twins in a jar, victims of Agent Orange. We then traveled up the Mekong Delta pretending we were from Apocalypse Now, well I did at least.
Next, it was off to Cambodia, home of the Khmer Rouge, where we continued to depress ourselves by visiting the killing fields. The kindly people of Cambodia had built a massive glass tower and put all the skulls and rags of clothing in it, so we didn’t have to wander around the fields looking for them. Then, ironically, we went to a shooting range and fired an AK47, but it wasn’t that ironic as the people massacred at the killing fields were beaten to death. Oh, on a lighter note we could have fired a rocket launcher at a cow, but they wanted 200 dollars for that and that wasn’t including the cow, so we gave it a miss (excuse the pun). Next, it was off to a School, but this is Cambodia so it wasn’t to see orphans at work, no, it was to see a display on how the K.R had turned the school into a prison/torture chamber, aren’t they sweet.
We then went to see the much over rated Angkor Wat, it’s supposed to be as amazing as the temples in Peru, but we were bored after one sunset and a sunrise. Actually, to be fair they were quite special esp. the one where they filmed Tomb Raider, which was still covered in massive tree roots and the one with all the massive faces carved into it was quite cool as well.
We then got a bus along the worse stretch of road in the world to Thailand and continued to depress ourselves by visiting the bridge over the River Kwai (the greatest pub quiz team in history) and taking a walk along death railway (named because of the amount of people that died building it), we also went to a museum and read facts about how badly the P.O.W were treated… fun, fun, fun. While we were there though we got to stroke tigers and visit a monkey school, which Garlen found funny because he wouldn’t go near the monkeys so our drunk guide insisted every time that they should climb over or I would say attack me. I got scratched by one so I may have Rabies, we did get to meet a talented Monkey called Monkey Jordan that could slam dunk and also read numbers.
Anyway, take care, Damo P.S we ate dog in Vietnam, it wasn’t very nice.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Friday, July 07, 2006
Thunder cats Hoooooo Chi Min
To start with I've got some really bad news about Garlen; After losing a bet to me I took possesion of his soul, but not knowing what to do with it I threw it in a dolphin shaped used item recepticle (that's bin in Chinglish). So, unfortunatley the dolphin bin now posseses all of Garlen's personality and I'm left travelling around with a walking carcuss. To be honest though I barley notice the difference, if anything he's actually slightly more fun now; the way he dribbles all the time and his vacant stare can be quite entertaining. But if you do want to visit the dolphin and speak to garlen I can tell you where to find him.
Apart from that we've been having a great time in Vietnam. In Hanoi we went to a bizarre water puppet show (it was so wierd and confusing I couldn't even start to explain it to you) saw a French prison, went on a boat cruise to Halong Bay, It's a bit like Yangshou in China (see my last post) but at sea. We actually went twice, but the first time it got cancelled after we got to the port because of bad weather, so we basically spent 7 hours on a bus. We also went to a Jazz Club in the French Quater of Hanoi (How cool does that sentance sound, well it did until I added these brackets to explain how cool it sounded, now it's a bit long winded, but I felt in neccesary to explain just how cool we are, but now we aren't... because of the brackets. I'll stop now). We also watched England crash out of the World Cup, but it's just too painful to talk about. Oh Oh, we also saw another dead dictator... yay, that takes our total to two. This time it was Ho Chi Min the man who freed Vietnam from French Colonialists and then kicked out the U.S... well I think he died before the end of the war and probably wasn't really in control of the country at that point...more of a figure head, but an impressive C.V non the less. His body was very Orange just like Mao's, but he was sporting an impressive beard, most pointy.
We then headed to a place called Hue where we went on a river cruise and saw a few temples, they were alright, actually we only saw one because we've seen too many. We also took a guided tour of the area around the 17th parrallel, pay attention now class as there will be questions... it was the border between North and South Vietnam during the war. On the tour we also got to go into some tunnels used by the Vietcong and a few destroyed U.S military bases (They didn't even let us out the bus for one of them).
We're now in a place called Hoi An, which is quite relaxing really. It's unusally quiet though, for the last 5 months it's been non stop noise, but to suddenly go somewhere which is quiet is really worrying. Here we've wandered the streets admiring the mould covered french colonial old town and also had two tailor made suits done for a bargin price of 35 quid. Brilliant. Garlen is currently picking up a waistcoat as well.
Anyway we're off to Saigon now to 'go to a saigon disco' (If anyone can name the song that line is from I will truely be impressed)
Take care damo
Sunday, July 02, 2006
more hk pics + some pics with my mummy

after dame left, mum and i went on a 4 star hotel tour to guilin. not sure the pics are going to be layed out in order number, but u can work it out.
1) ma and i on a guilin cable car. she was well scared and told me off whenever i rocked it. mothers!
2) dennis and i in a siad university reunion, the turnout was low.
3) (r-l) roy, dame, my cuz sonjia, myself, kay, and keiths curly hair. keith wishes now he never skipped photography lessons.
4) our group tour photo, the guy third from the left is millhouse!
5) the audience joining the performers on stage after a show.