On February 1 two inexperienced and naïve British travelers are setting out on an epic journey across asia, this is their story...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

pets win prizes

left card reader back in the room. so no pics. anyway, home in 7 days so u can see em then.

so... i think ive figured out why so many people (uj, hayley and i, at least) thought it was 'in the skies'. its cos - if i remember i correctly - when that lyric was sang the visual was of a transformer turning into a bird and flying away. thus 'in the skies'.

anyway. tonight will be my 8th night on bali. have been; surfing like an chinaman, drinking like an englishman, losing at chess, winning at pool, haggling for gifts, seeing wicked temples, seeing boring traditional dance shows, finding nemo whilst scuba diving, pretending to be claude makalele whilst playing footie on the beach, watching american football on tv cos i didnt want to leave the shade, sitting through crap movies cos the guy im travelling with is into cars (ie. fast and the furious: tokyo drift - jesus), playing playstation with 7 year old indonesian kids, etc...

would write in more detail but it seems pointless now im coming home on wednesday.

oh, i thought of a interesting game. for everyone who leaves a comment for this update i promise to bring them back a present. it may be small and crappy but at least you can say it came from the other side of the world.

right, bye. x


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wouldnt mind a crappy present from the other side of the world mate!
see you soon

7:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I have a horse?


9:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can bring me back a copy of Toyko drift...hahahaha
Safe travels home,
Sam xx

11:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

one piece of crap, a horse, and a tokyo drift dvd. done. you lucky so and so's.

12:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Garl - see u soon mate, if ur gonna buy me a present then i'll take some crazy/abstract piece of junk - like a woodan woman with big boobies to put on top of my tv! i like boobies!!! xx- night night sleepy head!!!!

1:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way that was james (snoop/westwood) who posted that last comment - damn i want a present!!!! Santa doesn't like me!!!!

1:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wooden boobies. garl' will fix it for you. now then, now then.

11:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

id like a pair of those sunglasses, yes i do. xx

10:02 PM


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