On February 1 two inexperienced and naïve British travelers are setting out on an epic journey across asia, this is their story...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Couldn't think of a witty title.

1. The world's smallest toilet
2. Awwwwwww Garlen and Garlot
3. Scary eh!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lookng good guys, photos looking well funny. right now i'm writing this at my work experience office where they are gonna fire me for always turnng up late (getting fired from work expirience - how bad is that?) I haven't been leaving messages cos i haven't been on the net for 'donkeys, but i have been reading the updates et al. Needless to say it looks like you're having a good time, its not too bad over here, its getting very hot and everyone's pouring out of pubs watching the world cup (are you gus getting to see any of it out there?). Went down to Des's the other day to see Andy and had a great time, got totally wrecked obviously and then to top it of went to see the Eagles at wembley arena who were f*£@ing amazing! the best gig i've been to this year so far, better than Morrissey at Alley Pally (now that's saying something). Anyway keep the updates comming, i'll try and leave some more messages. So long for now . . .

12:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry, that was Luke by the way

12:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys its Andy, apologies for not posting at all (hey I'm a mixed up kid!) but rest assured I have enjoyed reading all of your blogs so please keep them coming!!! Also I have noticed that Garlot is wearing your exact same vest/sports bra as you in the other pic! Is it a kind of Lo family tarten? Any way have fun guys and keep posting!

p.s. Luke chose watching the Eagles over hanging out with filthy drunken strippers on sunday!


12:03 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah i know i passed over the strippers thing, but the eagles were amazing! and i can go to Vin Diesel's (Garlen will get that) any night.


5:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

so luke passed on seeing filthy strippers to see the Eagles with my bruv ....and my mother. what an interesting thought for the day.....

Garlen do you remember a song that came out during our burlington danes days called something like 'How bizzar'? im not just making things up now am i?

those toilets are size of potties! how can ones arse balance on such a thing?! Obviously not designed for the average american.

If i do say so Gar your hair is looking very cool indeed.


8:11 PM


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