On February 1 two inexperienced and naïve British travelers are setting out on an epic journey across asia, this is their story...

Friday, June 02, 2006

lots of clay, tall skyscrapers, big lake

howdy all - quite tired so gonna whizz through this.

in xian we saw terracotta warriors - which was a bit of a let down as both dame and i were expecting somthing fantastic. we did meet a nice canadian guy called brody and a nice israeli girl called tehila - and we had lunch with them, which was... nice. we completed our tom hanks trilogy (after forrest gump and da vinci code) by watching the terminal in our youth hostel. too much hanks. in shanghai we walked alot and saw magnnificant views of the harbour with all the skycrapers in the backdrop - it was like something from a utopian sci-fi film. also watched the first 3 episodes of Lost season 2 back at the youth hostel. its awesome! next place was where we are now, hangzhou. we cycled round its famous lake. tomorrow we leave for guangzhou, then after hong kong. ok, im going to bed now.



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