On February 1 two inexperienced and naïve British travelers are setting out on an epic journey across asia, this is their story...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

We can read your comments again!

Hey all,

A few things to update you on: Garlen lost his white sun glasses, so he’s got another pair – some very cool, Elton John circa 75 white ones that’s pair number 5 (Alana probably a good idea he doesn’t start up a sunglasses collection as he’d probably loose ‘em all). We had our first argument (not bad for 4 months) I won’t go into details as it’s hard to remain objective, but it had more to do with a lack of sleep than the Russian flag (I was right though), I smell quite bad as it’s soooo humid and sticky, I wake up every morning feeling like some-ones covered me in prit stick and there was something else, but I can’t remember – aarrrrgggghhh I hate it when that happens, and I bet I remember what it was in the middle of the night just to annoy me further (or is it father). I think I may be losing my memory, I keep forgetting stuff and I’m getting old; almost 24… scary stuff.

So, we’re in Hong Kong. It’s really good here; lots of sky scrappers, shops and fashionable people, but it is really expensive – A mcdonald’s medium meal will set you back 2 pounds, shocking I know! So far, we’ve been to three museums! We went to three in Macau as well, so I don’t think I can take anymore, but Garlen seems to be lapping it up! By the forth one I was just wandering around pressing random buttons to see what would happen. We went to a light show where all the skyscrapers lit up in time to music and we nearly managed to blag our way into an opera. We just walked in – looking a mess in t-shirts and shorts- and just sat down, unfortunately in somebody else’s seat so we got kicked out.

We’re staying at a really dodgy hotel, I think it may actually be a lunatic asylum. One guy has been here four years! You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave (name that song). So, luckily for us some of Garlen’s kindly relatives have offered to put us up for a few days and Garlen’s mum’s boyfriend (I must ask his name because it’s a challenge saying ‘Garlen’s mum’s boyfriend’ everytime – try it) has said we can stay at his place for a while as well.. thank you!

Errrr that’s about it, take care.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

eagles- hotel california...ha! i win! I dint even have to google that one!
you two look really healthy and tanned. im trying to get a tan, unfortunately I burned my shoulders yesturday. so im still milk bottle white with dodgy red shoulders. lovely.


2:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was me btw^


3:00 PM


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