On February 1 two inexperienced and naïve British travelers are setting out on an epic journey across asia, this is their story...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My arm hurts


Had my jabs and received the habitual punch on the arm from my brother yesterday, I’ve still got some more to go, but I am brave boy now – I've got a lolly and a sticker from the nurse to prove it.

By the way, this is our planned route: India, Pakistan, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.

Bird flu here we come

Thursday, November 03, 2005

First post on the bugle


We haven't left yet so not much to report, apart from we're both preparing for our jabs, which I’m not looking forward to because I hate needles.

At the moment I’m a bit scared about the whole thing, I haven’t traveled before and the countries we are going to are totally different to sunny old England. Also the only criteria we have used to decide on the places we are going to visit seems to be:

1. Has there been some sort of natural disaster there in the past 12 months? Or
2. Is the country politically unstable?

Anyway, any suggestions about the things we should take or do before we leave would be appreciated.

(sorry this is a test picture of my cat Doofer. I didn't name him)