On February 1 two inexperienced and naïve British travelers are setting out on an epic journey across asia, this is their story...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

what dyou get if piss off a dwarf holding dynamite?

we're in bangkok. just dossing about. yesterday we went to the sex district of patpong to watch naked women (debatable) fire ping pong balls from thier love making department. its amazing what they can do down thier: smoke cigarettes, blow into a whistle, blow out birthday cakes, burst balloons using pellets and straws, etc...

tomoz we begin our beach bum tour of thailand that should take in about 6 beaches and last us a month. then dames going back home. and im heading onwards to malaysia, singapore amd indonesia. we're both looking forward to home now.

also, today i had a DOUBLE fillet-o-fish. we took a pic and i will make sure we put it on blogger next time - dame has my camera and hes currently in our room reading 'the beach' - im too lazy to walk up one flight of steps. hope everyone is coping ok through the british heatwave and preparing well for the festivals. see everybody soon, garlen xox

ps. finally got round to catching up on some of the old comments. welcome to blogger andy r.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are both taking in the deeper cultural aspects of Thailand. I am impressed by the pellet firing though, and somewhat intrigued as to the mechanics of how it is done. Keep having a good time guys.

xx Hay

10:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well... straw goes in mooey. pellet goes in straw. lady exhales through mooey. pellet goes flying into balloon. BANG!

ps. amelia's a beautiful name. x

4:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And thank you xx

2:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:55 PM


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