A very brief update on what we've been up to:
- Went to a Thai boxing fight felt slightly more manly for it, but not that much
- jungle treked, rode elephants, went white water rafting, slept in a hill tribe village and did bamboo rafting. It was like being in the beavers, although all we seemed to do in the beavers was bake cakes and meet police dogs.
- Went to a night market and ate crickets I think.
- Got on a really slow boat to Laos where Garlen won money from me and another guy at Poker and big 2 the git.
- Went to a night market and ate for really cheap, but not crickets this time.
- Got incredibly drunk and watched the wedding crashers with a bunch of Americans who insisted on finishing every line in the film aaaarrrgggghhh
- Got incredibly drunk again. I don't know how but we always manage to order really camp looking drinks. We were with a few girls who were all drinking beer Lao while we sipped on our pink ladies.
- Went white water Kayaking and almost drowned, we got tipped in twice. The first time Garlen abandoned ship leaving me trying to swim around barely holding on to this boat thing. The second time I dragged my legs across a load of under water boulders and also lost my oar.
- Got incredibly drunk floating down a river on car innertubes and being pulled into all the river side bars where we jumped off big swings, zip lines and dodgy looking wooden diving board things.
- That's it.
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