On February 1 two inexperienced and naïve British travelers are setting out on an epic journey across asia, this is their story...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

what did the pink panther say when it stepped on the ant? deadant-deadant, deadant, deadant-deadant-deadant-deadant, deadaaant...

hey all

dont usually blog till thursday but am bored and its too hot to sit in our prison of a room. since the last post we have attained our chinese visas and are awaiting our pakistani ones. its been much, much hassle - flling forms written only in hindi, purchasing bankers drafts from unhelpful bankers, standing in chaotic indian q's, getting photos done in a proper photographic studio, forgetting to bring photos to the embassy, haggling with rickshaw drivers, lending pens, stealing pens, running to atm's b4 the embassy closes, waiting outside closed embassies, paying the uk embassy 50 pounds for A LETTER stamping our approval to enter pakistan, reading notes advised by the uk embassy detailing all the terrorist activity in pakistan, getting scared - but we're used to it now.

apart from visa stuff what have we done since we arrived in delhi? we went to see a few of delhi's main tourist attractions - there were two grand forts - both were crap. one turned out to be a disguised market and the other one a run down park. also saw gandhi's eternal flame where his ashes are scattered. bit crap aswell. infact the best thing about delhi is its choice of western fast food outlets. mcdougals, kfc, pizza hut, dominoes, tgi's, and wait for it... wimpy. also i bought ANOTHER pair of sunnies. my 4th pair this trip. they're big and white and rock n roll baby!!! also bought a vest which dame keeps giving me funny looks for. all the indians wear'em! he says im too skinny to be wearing vests. also bought a white top from none other than benneton. it cost 2000 rupees which is the equivilant of living out here for a week, but it does look wicked!

we're now simply waiting for our visa to process and dames new credit card to come through b4 we leave for pakistan. today we killed time by going to the multiplex cinema and watching the pink panther with steve martin. it was mildly amusing but the indians thought it was hee-lar-rious. i was laughing at the indians laughing at crap western humour.

i cant believe its taken me so long to mention that WE'RE CHAMPIONS , AGAIN. we watched it in a pub drinking draught kingfisher whilst a waiter fed us unlimited free crisps and nuts. it was amazing. what else. damian got a bit ill again yesterday. we think part sun, part dodgy stomoach, part me giving him my cold. but he seems to be better now.

dame and i finished our books last night. mine being the wasp factory' by ian banks, and his 'henry V' by shakey. my book was excellant, but dame cheated on his by flicking through pages justifying it by saying he 'got the gist of it'. we've both really got into reading recently (which is just as well as we both wanna become writers!) and both about to start our bill brysons. dames being ' the short history of nearly everything' and mine being 'notes from a small island.'

anyway probably boring you know, gonna go b4 we get another electrity cut and lose all this, and then ill get very angry and shout at some poor innocent guy and blame him for all the reasons the world is crap.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't you already read a short history of nearly everything? Wasn't once enough!!!!

xx Hay

1:58 PM


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