On February 1 two inexperienced and naïve British travelers are setting out on an epic journey across asia, this is their story...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Escape from Kathmandu


We finally managed to leave Nepal, Yay. Although, the day before we were supposed to leave the strikes and curfews ended meaning if our patients had held out a bit longer we could have saved ourselves $70. But, on the bright side we didn’t have to use Indian transport and the flight food was the best I’ve ever had.

We did also find a way to make our last few days in Kathmandu fly by – get drunk with a Chilean called Christian (We met him in India and ended up spending our last five nights sharing a room, he also looks a lot like Peter Shilton circa Italia 90) Jo the girl we traveled with in India, a scarily crazy Aussie woman (one night she actually climbed under Garlen’s bed sheets and just sat there) called something weird and a guy from the UK called Peter.

The only downside to getting drunk on cheap Vodka from the mystical land of Ruslan was that I lost my debit card, so we’re now stuck in Delhi (40 degrees, very busy and over crowded. Although, it does have a KFC where we spent a large part of today consuming a family feast) waiting for my card and our Pakistan Visas. Incidentally, the Visas require a letter which will cost 50 quid from the British High Council, 50 quid for a letter, whinge, whinge, etc, etc!

I would, before I end this post, like to apologize for the level of abuse that came out of my mouth when the bar tender at Tom and Jerrys decided to turn the Arsenal – Villarreal match off at half time. I hope your country does keep democracy and that the king doesn’t regain power. Down with the King! Oh and I’d also like to thank the Sandwich bar round the corner for showing the second half.



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