On February 1 two inexperienced and naïve British travelers are setting out on an epic journey across asia, this is their story...

Friday, February 03, 2006


We've arrived. It's amazing here, it really is another world. Everything is different, from the food to the clothes to how they greet you (strangers wouldn't come up to you shake your hand and offer you their home address in England).

So far we've been harrased by groups of rickshaw drivers, the one who gave us a lift then got us lost, found a cocroach and gekho in our room, mobbed by school kids and visited a zoo and a few museums.

The streets and roads are really busy full of cars and people, it really is just like something from a film.

Oh and the zoo has a type of monkey that has apparantly 'Lost all fear of humans' so be careful next time you see a monkey.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Damo!! Have fun and take care and i'll be watching your every dodge of a monkey and trip to the museum.

Good luck guys,


1:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys, glad to know you got there ok. Don't stroke the monkey's, they are all evil!!!!

10:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way that was from me - Hayley - it will only let me publish as anonymous!

10:57 PM


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